...rather than "Team Twilight."
I have to admit, i am not a huge Twilight fan. I have never read any of the books and absolutly despised the first movie, Twilight.
But after being dragged to see New Moon by a friend who is also a "Twihard" (a huge fan of the Twilight series), I have to admit it actually wasn't that bad. I literally could not stay awake for the first movie. I tried watching it four times and fell asleep every time. The fifth time I tried I stayed awake for the whole movie, but wish I hadn't.
But fortunately, New Moon is starting to change my mind. In case you have been living in a cave in the middle of Antartica for the last year, the Twlight series of books written by Stephenie Meyer is about a clumsy girl Bella and her vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen. The first book/movie are all about how they meet and fall in love. But theres that big elephant problem in the room, that he is a vampire. But to completely understand all of this, it must be mentioned that Edward and his vampire family are "vegetarian" which means they do not prey on humans, just animals.
New Moon starts off where Twilight left off, with the couple struggling their way through two worlds, the human world and the vampire world. After one of Edward's brothers tries to attack Bella, Edward decides it is too risky for him and Bella to be together and disappears with out a trace. Bella is left heartbroken and decides to confide in her friend Jacob. And of course, Jacob turns out to be a werewolf and werewolves don't like vampires.
Although I want to tell more of the story line, I think if I continue I will be giving too much away! That being said, New Moon was pretty entertaining and definitely kept my attention, unlike the first movie. One major problem I had with the first movie was the acting. Kristen Stewart could not act her way out of a paper bag in the first movie as Bella and semi new actor Robert Pattinson looked pretty on screen, but was not convincing as Edward, a love struck vampire. Luckily in New Moon, Stewart picked up the pace and was so much more interesting as Bella. The very young and very "built" 17-year-old Taylor Lautner plays werewolf Jacob and does an excellent job of it.

I have to add, if you intend on seeing New Moon, make sure you see Twilight first, otherwise you will be completely lost. I would not recommend Twilight in any other situation but it really is necessary before seeing the second movie.
Overall Grade- B+
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