As the myth or the legend or whatever goes, the Mayan calendar ends on 12/21/2012 and so that will be when the world ends. Well, I don't know if I believe that, but i really hope it doesn't end like it did in the movie!
2012 was directed by disaster movie specialist, Ronald Emmerich, who also directed blockbusters Independence Day and Day After Tomorrow. I think I can say comfortably that Emmerich is a professional disaster movie director and he shows us that in 2012.
Although the story line follows struggling writer Jackson Curtis (John Cusack), his ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet), and his children, and all their sarcasm about the world coming to an end, what really makes this movie interesting are the special CGI effects. There are tsunamis all over the world, volcanic eruptions in Yellowstone National Park, and half of California literally breaks apart from earthquakes and falls into the ocean. As horrible and tragic as it sounds, it is actually very entertaining to watch.
Aside from Cusack, the movie has a very B list cast. Cusack actually does a fantastic job playing a sarcastic father of two, but at times (like when Las Vegas is crumbling underneath them), the sarcasm is a little unnecessary. Peet plays it safe as Cusack's ex wife , Kate, with a mediocre performance. Time after time Kate's children are in danger and only once towards the end does she really show a lot of emotion about it. Danny Glover plays a very one note, rather calm over the end of the world, President of the United States.
2012 is a good, but typical, disaster movie. I think it was an original idea and very smart of Emmerich to make this movie close to the actual year of 2012 because it gives the audience that little extra thought of, "What if this really happened?" But the real reason to see it are for the special effects! I remember in 1996 (even though I was only 8), going to see Independence Day with my parents. I remember my parents reassuring me that none of it was real, but I always wondered how they made it look so real? I almost feel like the same way now after seeing 2012 (but luckily my parents don't have to reassure me its not real this time).
Overall Grade- B
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