Hey Everybody! Sorry I haven't been able to post in a while, but the purse strings have been tightened on this critic which makes going to the movies hard these days.
BUT! I did happen to recently catch the horror film of the decade, A.K.A. Paranormal Activity.
Like past indie horror movie, The Blair Witch Project, this thriller was made on a real budget of about $11,000 and little to no gore. With all the gruesome, porn-like scary movies out these days, this was a kind of refreshing haunt-you-in-your-nightmares type of thriller.
It all begins when strange things start going bump in the night. Boyfriend/girlfriend, Micah and Katie, decide to invest in a hand held camera to see if they can catch on film what has been spooking them at night. At one point when looking back on the footage they shot, they see evidence of their bedroom door moving back and forth.
To try and eliminate the problem, the couple bring in a ghost specialist, who quickly tells them that they are not dealing with a ghost, but rather a demon that may have been following Katie since childhood.
Now, I personally do not believe in demons and ghosts and whatnot, but for a week after watching this movie, I had to sleep with the lights on. Maybe it's because it was filmed to look like a documentary or maybe it was all the shadows and strange things they saw the demon do while they were sleeping, but all I know is that thing was no Casper.
According to IMDB.com,as of November 15, 2009 Paranormal Activity has grossed $103,690,184. For an extremely low budget film with no well known actors, that's not too shabby.
Overall, you don't get too many genuinely scary movies these days that are free of blood and guts. Paranormal Activity is guaranteed to scare the living day lights out of you without all the nasty Saw tactics expected in today's horror genre.
Overall Grade- A-
Did anyone else see this movie? Thoughts?